I wanted to give a quick update for those of you who read my earlier entry "News I Didn't Want" and asked about my mom. Thanks so much for your prayers and concerns. I apologize that I left you without answers. When I started my blog it wasn't public. I was just journaling my thoughts and forgot to go back and finish - on my blog.Here is what I wrote in my journal at home that day after we returned from the doctor's office for her diagnostic mammogram.
WOW - what a morning!! They did an in-depth and highly magnified mammogram and then an ultrasound with one of those wands they rub across the area of concern. They could not find ANYTHING - no lump, no lesions, not anything. When the doctor came in to tell us his thoughts, he said "Everything is fine, we can't see anything..." Then the power and lights went OUT!! It was pitch dark. We couldn't see ANYTHING.And it stayed that way for the rest of her appointment. We sat in the dark and talked for a few minutes without seeing the doctor or each other. I asked tons of questions to make sure they were really sure. How could this be? How could they not see ANYTHING when the doctor had documented that she felt a lump and gave it's size in centimeters on my mom's file.
The doctor reassured us that there wasn't anything there and suggested my mom return in six months to ease our concerns. I reached into my purse to get my cell phones out so the screen light could help us find our way back to the dressing room. My mom was so thankful she got in and got her results before the power went out. "Yeah, we're free!! No more nightmares, no more worries, no more sleepless nights. We're free!" She said and then she hugged me.
As we walked through the darkened lobby, others were waiting and wondering if they'd get in. It looked like it was going to be a while. Thank you Jesus for caring for us in such a detailed and powerful way.
I had made arrangements for Joshua and Andrews to be at a friend's house all afternoon, so I could go home and have an emotional meltdown if I needed to. Instead of an emotional meltdown, I went home and had a Faith Lift!
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